• eISSN : 2822-6755
Abstract - Luxated And Intruded Prımary Incısors: A Case Report Wıth Spontaneous Healıng
Burçak ÇEHRELİ, Tahsin DEMIR

Luxation injuries to the incisors occur with a high frequency in the primary dentition. In many cases, intrusion of teeth may complicate the situation and the management of intrusion injuries depends on the severity and direction of the intrusion, as well as the relationship between the intruded incisor and developing permanent tooth germ. This case report documents the favorable prognosis of palatally-luxated and intruded maxillary primary left central and lateral incisors in a 3 year-old patient. Complete re-eruption and re-alignment was observed without any intervention after a 10-month follow-up period.

Volume 9, Number 2 (2008)